Station setup in December 2023

I decided to stop making excuses and set up whatever antenna I could. It started with a SuperAntenna set up in the living room, and moved to a homebrew quadrant dipole with the G90.

Currently, I’m using

  • A Xiegu G90
  • A Powerwerx SS30DV switching power supply
  • A Digirig
  • A Framework laptop running Ham Radio Deluxe and WSJT-X.

My current locator is CM97cq.

I wrote about this set up in Chasing waterfalls and Antenna update: it’s a quadrant antenna, apparently.

Station setup in September 2020

My old set up was at locator CM87ut. I had a 20m dipole and 10m dipole strung along the side fence, and

  • An FT-817
  • A Z817 autotuner
  • A Xiegu G90 added later
  • A Thinkpad running Ubuntu with WSJT-X. My logging wasn’t great here.